- #Brp buds key generator cracked
- #Brp buds key generator install
- #Brp buds key generator pro
- #Brp buds key generator code
Automotive manufacturers have been forced to the OBD standard, and even for hard-core stuff like adaptations that are Make specific, the diagnostic tools are $350 or less, and work on as many vehicles and for as long as you want.

BRP is robbing us by not standardizing the computer protocol and making it affordable for us to repair our own machines. They are gouging the system as hard as they can. I have 0 sympathy for the likes of Candoo and BUDS. I still use it for a quick in the driveway key program on an older ski. The purple programmer can be had cheaper all the time as the two stroke base dries up.

I can't imagine how many keys get made in a major market like Miami every season.Īnd the cables being supplied for Candoo are top notch stuff. I've made money with my candoo in just one season, and I'm in lets say not the most populous place in the country. I'm sure most of you reading this have seen the uber expensive embedded system diagnostic for 7k or so for pwc's My partner boat shop has an analyzer for some models that cost close to five figures, you know the ones.ski boats with programmable ballast tanks and auto pilot.yeah those sort of boats. Some of it is eyeball draining y 5k and up for a single brand programmer. Sure it's expensive, but if you think this shizz is pricey let me suggest you look into the equipment used to make keys for new cars Independent shops without these tools will find it harder to stay profitable each year. Somewhat time consuming and unfairly expensive for a customer to troubleshoot a fuel injected engine without the ability to read engine fault codes Without paying you can still use the candoo on your ski till the cows come home but it won't like talking to your 2017 twin engine rxxxxxpx caterpillar drive silent model. If you pay for maintenance, when the new skis are supported, you get that code.
#Brp buds key generator pro
You don't have a timed license with candoo pro like you could with the SBT variant(you gotta sell a lot of sbt stuff to get it for free).
#Brp buds key generator install
Mostly moot now.sure I can't flash consoles or install software updates, but sure as the sun shines here I make good on keys and diagnostics for my customers. I ended up woth the handheld purple programmer and luckily no 4tecs showed up needing keys that season. On the other hand Kawasaki and Yamaha are unlimited for a single price, that is really affordable considering what a good snap on reader costs.Īlmost bought into one of those aftermarket buds systems, but I was concerned about having the system shut down after a few months at the time It was more then I could afford also. The Candoo, for the sake of accuracy in a thread whose topic is notorious for wild inaccuracy regarding buds/service tools, is licensed either per vin# for seadoo or unlimited seadoo(which is for a shop really.even if your group had 8 seadoos you can do it all with one box and 4 extra vin # licenses. Since BRP will not sell buds to anybody but dealers ( and now they actually lease the system) they aren't losing anything but a couple of million service appointments to reset nags and whatnots.Īlternatively BRP may not want to look like the bad guy shutting them down, after all availability of service systems is one item that leads to a larger installed base.
#Brp buds key generator code
proving it all?.well I might assume that when push came to shove there was some threat of publishing the lifetime megatech code on the internet so the path of least aggravation was taken.
#Brp buds key generator cracked
They cracked the rom encryption and boom.aftermarket buds. Somebody cracked the key code using a couple of basements of networked pc's ( think early bitcoin mining) and have a working keycode generator. A pretty straight up operation from a computer standpoint. It appears that the sellers of these buds systems are skating the edge of copyright law and when I was looking for one, they were operating from places where it is hard to enforce anything.